When is the Best Time of Year to Build a Loft Conversion?

When it comes to deciding what time of year to do a loft conversion, your first thought may be that spring or summer is best. But in reality, a loft conversion is equally doable in the colder months.

While we do love to moan about the weather, the UK’s climate is relatively mild compared to other countries. Our summers are rarely scorching, and even in the depths of winter, it's rare for daytime temperatures to dip below zero for an extended period.

For a seasoned loft professional, our fickle British weather is no barrier.

“We convert around 40 lofts a year,” says Daniel Moore of DJ Moore Lofts, loft conversion specialists and VELUX certified installer based in Milton Keynes. “If we stopped every time it rained, we wouldn't get anything done. We can work all year round.”

Building in spring and summer

Let’s start with the obvious choice. “The summer months are nice for building as there’s longer days and warmer temperatures,” says Moore. There’s less chance of inclement weather and potentially less rainfall, so it can be an easier time of year for your project. But popularity means that building companies tend to be busiest at this time and it can be harder to get a slot with your first choice.

Building in winter and autumn

Building companies can be less busy over the winter months so it can be a great time to get your loft done. Then you can look forward to enjoying your new space over the warmer months to come!

It’s often assumed that winter is not a good time for a loft conversion. However any reputable builder is well-equipped to work all year round. Although the weather may be unpleasant outside, the builder does their work under cover, keeping your home safe from the elements.

“Obviously, rare extremes like heavy snow or storms can potentially put a small delay on things,” says Moore. “But in our typical British conditions, we can make it work, rain or shine.”

So, when is the best time to build?

It really comes down to what best suits your schedule. Be sure to let your builder know if you have any events coming up, such as holidays or visitors, so they can try to fit the work around your timetable. It’s also worth remembering that no matter how carefully you plan, the great British weather is always a gamble. But a reputable builder will be able to work to the same high standards, no matter the time of year.

Diary of a Kitchen Extension

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